Life is crazy hectic lately! Ben and I are sooo busy everyday, I don't think we quite realized how instantly our daily lives were going to change once we got engaged.
I'm honestly not complaining (too much) because we have been having a lot of fun! We've been visiting friends, going out to celebrate, making wedding plans, and shopping for supplies. All really great. However, because wedding planning/celebrating is not the only thing going on in our lives right now, we're feeling stretched pretty thin. We have been out every night except for two since we got engaged. There hasn't been much downtime on the weekends. We come home every night exhausted and crash into bed immediately To say the apartment has been neglected as a result is an understatement! The mess is making me cringe.
You know what though? It's all going to be worth it. I am so completely excited for our wedding day, to say our vows, to laugh and dance and celebrate with our friends and family. So long as we're smart about how we spend our time and try to take days off from all the craziness (if possible), I think we will be ok. I can get easily overwhelmed and forget to ask for help (and I've been told that I'm the BRIDE so I should be delegating- ha!) So I'm going to work on that. I honestly think the next few months are going to fly by!!!
This weekend we are helping my sister move into her new house (she's renting, but still proud of her!), getting one more of my bridesmaids fitted for her dress, buying my wedding dress fabric (my Mom is making my dress, we bought the pattern last week!), and then hopefully taking Sunday off to have a date day together. We really need it.
So for now, I'm going to close with a collage of pretty things making me happy right now (helps when I'm stressed), and my "Currently" list.
Dreaming of: Our Wedding Day, our honeymoon in Italy, travelling in a camper (on my bucket list!)
Listening to: The album "Some Nights" by Fun. Old favourite, love it.
Reading: So many blogs. I haven't had the time to sit and read a good book lately and I miss it. Blogs are a quick read so that's working for now:)
Wondering: What my summer is going to look like.
Eating: Lot's of chicken and salads. We are off carbs during the week (for the wedding and our health) and we have a cheat day on the weekend. It's been working out so far.
Anticipating: All the wedding fees we will have to pay (yikes!), going for picnics, my cousin moving back from London next week!!!
Making Me Happy Right Now:
These pictures make me all kinds of happy. The turquoise sea is in Sardinia Italy- one spot we are definitely visiting on our honeymoon!
May 30, 2013
May 27, 2013
Life Via Instagram -Catching Up (Long Weekend in Kingston)
We spent our Victoria Day long weekend in Kingston with our friends Morgan and Dan and their kids Paul and Jill. (They are all in our wedding party!) We haven't seen them as much this year as we did the year previous (now that Morgan is back to work) so getting a long weekend with them was awesome! We had lazy mornings, had lot's of outside time with the kids, ate some delicious food and even got a night out! Morgan was nice enough to take some engagement shots of Ben and I on the Monday, which I will post sometime soon. I love how they turned out! But back to the weekend:
Me: Paul, what are you drawing?
Paul: I'm making my destiny!
Me: That's great Paul!
Paul: No, it's not finished.
Saturday morning colouring.
One of my favourites. Ben drumming on Jill's legs, just makes my heart melt.
Snack time.
We love her.
We love him too.
My snack, makes me think of summer.
Some of my Instax shots- Ben was totally taunting Jill with grapes!
Might not look like much to you, but this poutine with jalapeƱos and Italian sausage was SO good! I love spicy food.
Sunday morning hang out.
Just me and her after her nap while Morgan was working and the boys were out for a walk:)
The caption says it all.
The CUTEST bonnet, on this cutie.
Having some quiet time together:)
Trying on Ben's suit jacket.
Out for some Thai food!
Ben made us laugh.
Possibly the best Thai food I've ever had. The chicken satay was amazing!
Dulce de leche cheesecake with Dulce de Leche ice cream. I savoured every. single. bite.
My fiance! (That's still not getting old)
After dinner happiness.
Taking this guy out for a date with just us. Went to Chapter's and had a blast!
I got a little doodle happy here. I just love him so much.
Love seeing these two together.
The best way to get around.
Making me some tea:)
Just love.
She is such a joy to be around!
Another favourite.
Wendy's dinner before heading home. It totally hit the spot!
They were reading our engagement story.
She sang ALL WEEKEND. So so cute!!
We hate saying goodbye, but it makes for cute pictures.
Came home to this little guy. (And Jewel of course, not pictured)
It was truly a great weekend.
I'm linking up with Jeannett over at Life Rearranged.

Hello Monday
Hello Monday;
Hello lilacs in bloom that make me oh so very happy:)
Hello to feeling extra tired after a very busy, but fun weekend!
Hello to another jam packed week (I guess I'll be saying this from now until our wedding day!)
Hello to feeling excited to get started on some DIY projects for the wedding! (Picked up some supplies at Michael's over the weekend)
Hello to healthy eating again- we have been cutting out carbs during the week and have a cheat day on the weekend. It's going really well and I miss carbs less and less.
Hello everyday chores that have been piling up- our apartment needs some attention.
Hello movie dates, hot yoga class, and helping my sister move- all in the span of a few days.
Hello going through some of our engagement photos to pick out the one we'll use for our "Save the Date" cards!
Hello Monday, I've got so much to accomplish this week!
I'm linking up with Lisa Leonard.
May 25, 2013
Life Via Instagram- Catching Up (Beginning of May)
Still catching up here, yikes! So these first few photos were taken May 6th, the day after we got engaged. I took the boys I look after to the tulip festival and we had such a great time! The weather was great, the flowers were gorgeous and the boys had a great time running around playing tag and feeding the ducks with their friends. I wanted to stay all day! (Also can you believe that I took those tulip photos with my phone?! Man I love technology sometimes.)
That whole first week after we got engaged I was wired with excitement. I would wake up around 5:30/6am with the sunrise and be unable to get back to sleep. Too many thoughts buzzing in my head. So I would get ready for work early and head out to Starbucks for a drink and some downtime reading before work. It was actually very enjoyable. Necklace by Lisa Leonard.
Cool Lime Refresher season is back- aka summer is almost here!
Such glorious weather that week! Many many days spent at the park with the kiddos. Necklace by Allora Handmade.
I am obsessed with lilacs. I could have sat under this tree inhaling their scent all day.
When the sky turns like this we leave the park immediately! Made for a good picture though.
I'm a dork, but getting to circle the "Bride" option on this form made me giddy;) We were shopping for the bridesmaid dresses. Found a really great style in the colour I wanted and so that's one major thing already off my list, wohoo!
After dress shopping my sister, girlfriends and I went to Kiwi Kraze- a frozen yogurt bar. It was amazing.
Like I said. Amazing! Mine is the one in the bottom middle- chocolate and strawberry frozen yogurts, coconut, peanut butter cups and chocolate and strawberry sauces. In hindsight the peanut butter cups didn't *exactly* go with the strawberry, but who cares, I love them.
My sister, the maid of honour, and I. Earrings and necklace by Lisa Leonard.
Saturday morning snuggles with Huck. Jewel was there too, just at the foot of them bed.
Two weeks ago the "A Beautiful Mess" app came out for the I-Phone. Elsie and Emma from A Beautiful Mess did such a fantastic job with it! I have been using it non-stop lately, I just love it!!
More fun with the app. This photo was taken on Mother's Day after a shopping trip to Ikea. I was putting together this trolley and Huck climbed in and claimed it for himself.
A rainy morning calls for a Chai latte. Necklace by Lisa Leonard. (One of my favourites!)
The last three weeks since we got engaged have been such a whirlwind, and so busy! But I hope you can tell from these pictures that I am having a lot of fun. More to come:) I'm linking up with Jeannett from Life Rearranged.

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