
Jul 4, 2012

My Summer To Do List

So I got this idea while reading Everyday Elsie last night, and wanted to make a list of my own. I tend to get a little ambitious in my list making, but I think the items on the list are pretty do-able, we'll see! (At the end of the summer I plan to write another post about how I did:)

So here's my list, in no particular order:

1. Purge apartment of unused/unwanted things.

2. Save half of my first pay check every month starting in August for next years travels. (We have some big plans)

3. Try a new recipe once a week.

4. 1-2 craft projects per week.

5. Picnics at the beach.

6. See Wicked at the National Arts Centre with Ben.

7. Improve photography skills, learn a new technique.

8. More bike rides.

9. Paddle boat on Rideau Canal

10. Le Nordik Spa with Ben

11. More date nights, not just nights in;)

12. Read poetry again

13. Experience more of the city- try new restaurants, explore new book stores and thrift shops, etc.

14. RELAX! and appreciate the small things.

Full disclosure, a couple of these were on my list last summer, but I fully intend to complete this list by the end of August! I made sure the list was primarily filled with thing's I want to do, not just feel the need to do. This summer is going to be awesome!!

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