I've come to the realization that I need to slow down more. I'm not talking just physically-because I could actually step it up a little in that department- but more mentally. Every week I usually keep a hefty to-do list, and if I'm not busy tackling something, I'm either thinking about it or adding five more things to the list. Relaxation has lost all meaning to me lately, because I don't let my mind relax, I'm always thinking ahead.
Many of the blogs I'm reading these days follow along the same theme; slowing down to enjoy the moment and appreciating what you have-even the small things. I really want to make that my goal for this year-to make the most of what life has given me and to slow down more to appreciate the little thing's in life.
My apartment should not need to be perfectly clean and organized for me to be happy (though it does help, let's be honest). I struggled with perfectionism in my adolescence, which was obviously unattainable and so I let myself down- a lot. Letting go of that need for perfection was not easy and it still trickles through in my everyday life, but I know that I am happier when I put less pressure on myself. I'm still young, and so I hope that I will be blessed with many opportunities to accomplish my goals. For now, I truly believe that slowing down and letting go will only make way for better things; happiness, relaxation and inspiration.
I have to say, inspiration is definitely my word for this year. Between the blogs that I read everyday, (many by those who run their own handmade businesses) and Pinterest-my latest obsession-I long to create every. single. day. Even if I'm simply borrowing someone's idea for a craft on Pinterest and making it my own, I just love the whole process (though it does make for a pretty disastrous living room!)
There are so many thing's I'm longing to try lately, like learning to sew, how to knit more than a scarf, how to take better photos, and make my own jewellery. Maybe I'll achieve those goals soon, maybe I won't, but trust me I have plenty to keep me occupied in the meantime.
I recently took a quote from my favourite poem, "I Carry Your Heart With Me" by E.E Cummings and put it on a canvas using Sharpie paint-best Sharpie product EVER! It's not an amazing work of art, but it suits me just fine, and will take it's place above my bed:)
That poem holds a very special place in my heart- my sister wrote it out in a birthday card for me for my 21st birthday, and it really does describe our bond. I hope that she'll read it at my wedding someday:)
Before I go, I'm going to post my Instagram pictures from last week-I know I've been pretty bad at keeping up to date, but my laptop died a couple weeks back and I had to get a new one...legitimate excuse right? Though I've go to say, Instagram has certainly been a great way for me to notice and capture more of the little thing's that make me happy:)
I took this shot of my favourite picture of my Nana along with my "Petite Crest" necklace from Lisa Leonard because I was entering it in an Instagram Photo Challenge that she was having. You were supposed to send in an Instagram photo of your favourite Lisa Leonard piece and explain why it was meaningful to you. That was a no-brainer for me, because I ordered this necklace a while back as a way to honour Nana (shortly after she had passed away) and I think of her whenever I wear it. While I didn't win (boo!), it was a fun challenge, and it was a nice way to pay tribute to Nana.
Ben got me this awesome vintage camera for Christmas and we tried it out last week. Of the twenty-four photos we took only one turned out, but at least we know it works!

This wine bottle jacket caught my eye- love the colour!

Ben's cousin wrote this on his arm using her new "tatoo eye liner" haha.

My belated Valentines gifts! We don't usually celebrate on Valentines day, we prefer to go out and exchange gifts earlier or later in the week so that we can avoid the crowds and take advantage of cheaper chocolates;)

One of Ben's Valentines gifts from me was Bocce Balls. They're pretty addicting!

One of Ben's Valentines gifts from me was Bocce Balls. They're pretty addicting!
It's a fake flower that I keep by my bed, but I looove Gerber daisies! Reminds me of spring.
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