I shouldn't be surprised since we've only been engaged for five months, but it feels like I blinked and here we are. 2013 has so far been the best, busiest, craziest year of my life, (2006 is a close second). I never that I would be that adult who spoke those tired cliches like "time flies" and "life is short"- but they are cliches because they are true!
Still getting the hang of my new job, (cannot believe I've almost been there a month now!), so most nights between work and my wedding to-do list I am exhausted! A lot has been falling by the wayside these past couple of months- including this blog. Like I've said before, I really do enjoy writing and keeping this online diary of sorts- so I am often filled with feelings of guilt when I neglect it. I've taken breaks before, and then come back with some sort of "I'm going to do better" declaration. Well I'm not going to make any promises right now- because I've finally learned that that doesn't work for me. I'm just going to try my best. The blog will survive!
Right now, it's crunch time for the wedding. We need to get our final guest count, music selections, seating plan and payments in by today. Fortunately we're almost there in terms of completion- but my to-do list is never-ending. If I were smart I would have gotten more of a head start on some of these things when I was on vacation- but I desperately needed the downtime and mental break. So I'm dealing with it now. Thank goodness for an amazing fiance who has been involved in this whole process and who goes out of his way to help me. I lucked out with him for sure.
I hope that this post does not come off as one big complaint- I realize now that it probably does. But the truth is that as busy, stressed and tired as I can be on a daily basis- I've also never been happier. I get to marry my best friend and favourite person in the world in two weeks! That is amazing. This busy season isn't permanent, so I will embrace it. I hope that I can look back on these posts someday and can remember what an exciting time being engaged was for Ben and I. It truly, truly is.
In other news- we got our marriage licence this week!