Finally all caught up with my Instagram photos! It really has been a busy month. May of 2013 will always be known as one of the best month's of my life- still can't believe how much has happened!
Gift from my Mom- she gave it to me the night we went to look at our wedding venue! It seriously helps, I have it in my purse at all times.
New obsession- Minneola Tangelos, a cross between a tangerine and grapefruit! They are SO freaking good!
Was hearing all these crazy rumours about Instagram deleting inactive accounts. Figured I might as well take a picture using the Instagram camera (which I normally don't ever use) just to be safe. Of course everything was fine.
Little moments like this make me so thankful for my job. Spending my days with these kids is such a privilege.
Girls night out at Lonestar for Mexican food- followed by frozen yoghurt goodness (I mixed chocolate and peanut butter flavours).
Two of my bridesmaids- friends since high school:)
A Saturday lunch date with Ben at Benji's- a Vietnamese restaurant. I LOVED their decor. Those teal chairs could have come home with me.
Fiancé's! I just noticed we're both wearing stripes:)
Our lunches. Really liked that soup!
I really, really loved the art.
We picked up some supplies at Michael's for our wedding invitations- I'm making them.
This is how we hang out.
I usually store a blanket here, now it's his bed.
Headed out again for more celebrating! I actually wore heels;)
Green apple Martini- so good!
Celebrating our engagement with good friends:)
Still cannot believe we're getting married- and so soon!
The pizza at Big Rig's was Amazing!!! Totally worth it.
Went out to lunch with a couple of my bridesmaids to celebrate that Sunday, followed by wedding dress pattern shopping with my Mom (I found what I wanted!), Starbucks with my Mom and sister (and maid of honour), and then dinner at my parents house. It was a full day for sure. Ben and I were exhausted when we got home. My Mom sent me home with fresh lilacs from her garden (my favourite!), and I loved waking up the next morning to their scent.
Last Wednesday hit 30*C with 90% humidity! Ugh. I made sure I stayed hydrated that day. Last summer was full of days like that and it got pretty unbearable- not to mention I had to keep the kids indoors a lot. So I hope that doesn't become a frequent occurrence this summer!
Stayed home sick Friday, from exhaustion. I felt SO awful. We had been out every night and all day on the weekends and I had reached my limit. Huck was happy to stay in bed with me that day:)
This was SO cute!
This week the weather has been pretty cool and the sun is out- I'm loving it! Morning spent outside with the kiddos are the best.
Sunday silhouette.
Before we went out for Brunch Sunday morning. I love this picture. Wish the quality of rear facing camera was better!
After brunch with one of Ben's grooms men we caught the latest Fast and Furious movie ( we really liked it). When we got home we decided to re-watch the first Fast and Furious and order Greek food. Great decision:)
Found Huck sleeping on my record player- he's really not allowed, but I snapped a picture first.
Signed our wedding contract last night- seeing our signatures above "bride" and "groom" makes me so giddy!
Feels good to be finally caught up. June is going to be another busy month with birthdays, Father's Day, wedding stuff and my cousin getting back from London this week! I am SO excited to reunite with her- and happy she will be at our wedding. It's going to be a good month- I just need to be reminded to relax!
I'm linking up with Jeannett over at Life Rearranged.