Last night my sister and I went out to dinner at Jack Astors (loooove their garlic bread), then to see the new Glee movie (yes...I'm a fan, I loved it!)
Despite waking up with a killer headache, (reasons unknown), and sleeping in until noon, we have spent the afternoon so far at Chapters with drinks and yummy treats from Starbucks while enjoying a good book. Came home with a new book and the latest In Style magazine and am now enjoying a glass of lemonade while watching Gilmore Girls and flipping though the latest fall fashions. Ben and my sister went out to get me my favourite salad from Wendy's (I'm being spoiled this weekend) and then Laura and I are going to yet another movie tonight, this time The Help, (reaaally looking forward to that one!)
Not a very interesting post, but wanted to note how grateful I am to have fun weekend like this filled with simple treats and good company!