
Mar 2, 2011

A Few Thoughts for the Day

Today I'm just going to ramble, thoughts are so mixed up and jumbled in my head right now that I can't seem to come up with one single thing to write about today. As a result, a mixed up and jumbled post- bear with me:

First of all, I am so happy to be done with winter and moving into spring. Though Ottawa certainly isn't showing it, (thanks for the snowstorm on Monday!), I know spring is around the corner, and March is one of my favourite months! Could have something to do with the fact that it's my birthday next week...but also it just feels like I'm over the hump (these past few months have felt very 'blah' to me). I'm looking forward to riding my bike again, going for walks on the beach near my apartment, spending the morning at the park, picnics outdoors, and not having to put on so many layers to go outside! Even just waking up these past couple of mornings to find sunlight streaming through my window has gotten me excited, (it's such a drag to get up for work in the dark!) I love Canada, and I love snow but mostly just for December...then I'm done with it!

What's really been bugging me the past little while is my disorganization, and exhaustion every night when I arrive home. I'm generally a person who likes to keep on top of thing's, and I don't tend to like to spend every night home on the couch watching TV, but that's what I've been doing for months! So obviously if I'm tired every night, I don't stay on top of thing's like the every expanding pile of laundry, the dishes in the sink and the painting I've been meaning to finish since January! I know a lot of this is due to my lack of exercise, I'd probably have more energy if I were exercising regularly...but again see previous statement about collapsing on the couch every night. I think one of these night I'm just going to have to power through it and get thing's done, and the exercise might come easier once we lose some snow!

I can't even begin to express how much I'm looking forward to this weekend though! Friday means payday (yay!) and this weekend is what I call "Birthday Weekend". Saturday night were having friends over for a potluck, and Sunday I'm spending the day with my family. Cake and presents aside, (though I love both!) I'm just really looking forward to being around the people I love. I find getting people together easier to manage for birthday's than Christmas because often many of them will have other plans. I'm a people person, I don't get much joy out of being solitary. When something tragic happens, I want to be surrounded, when something great happens, I'm already thinking of all the people I need to tell. So again, to say I'm excited for this weekend is an understatement!

That's all for now, just a few thoughts. Tonight I am leaving the apartment to go see a movie...technically I'm still sitting there watching something, but at least I'm getting out!